M&GNJR 6-wheel 3rd No 129

Build Date 1887
Built By Metropolitan Carriage & Wagon Company
Operators M&GNR
Status: In Service
Owned By

M&GNJR 6-wheel 3rd No 129

This five compartment third class vehicle was cocooned inside a bungalow at Pott Row, near Kings Lynn for 60 years. It was built by the Great Northern Railway and was transferred to Midland & Great Northern Joint Railway ownership in 1903.

It has now been restored to full working order and sits on a converted tube wagon chassis. Owned by the M&GNJRS and currently running on an incorrect 4-wheel underframe. A new correct pattern 6-wheel chassis has been constructed and the body will be transferred across once the current GER 4-wheel coach has been completed at Weybourne.